Clean-Up Organizer
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minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
![clean up image](img/Maskgroup.png)
Before the clean-up
- If you do not have a group register with us and you would like to do it or even create a new one, please complete our Clean-up Group Application.
- Do not forget to complete our Clean-up Event and Tool Loan Form so we can provide you with the necessary tools and also find volunteers for your event.
- You will have access to our advertising templates so you will only have to modify the data and everything will be ready to go in your social media.
![clean up image](img/cleanteam.png)
After the clean-up
- We want to hear all about the cleanup event, click here to submit end of clean up bag information. Within 24 hours after your event, complete the end of clean up form where you will be able to share photos about the event and other information so we can know how many bags you collected and how many volunteers joined you.
- We really appreciate all the volunteers work so we want to help you recognizing them. We will help you to provide them a certification issue by The Department of Sanitation.